Kumar Gaikwad has successfully managed to create glorious and harmonious intermingling of colors in his paintings from past two decades. Born in Kolhapur, Kumar is a Mumbai based artist who paints abstract images mostly in acrylic medium on canvases. His paintings are a great example of how color is the main and only subject of painting. Kumar’s' work is influenced by his immediate surroundings, his experiences and his emotions. The complexity for the artist comes from the fact that he needs to reflect this situation onto the canvas effectively so that the final artwork stirs emotions in the viewer. Kumar Gaikwad has received several awards in his prolific career such as Art Society of India Award for Best Landscape, State Art Award for Best Composition, and Sir J.J. School of Art Teachers' Award for Best Composition. His works have been displayed at some of the renowned galleries such as Nehru Art Centre, Worli, Jahangir Art Gallery and Artists' Centre Art Gallery. An Art Teacher by profession he wonderfully manages to juggle. Between his responsibilities as an Artist and then leading the young towards creating and appreciating art by being a teacher. In his current work Kumar places great emphasis on spontaneity and improvisation. His visual language consists of splashes, drips, and textural nuances that capture the nature of light and shadow in constant transition with ease. The immaculate execution of brush strokes presents the pure and organic colors masterfully. One is inclined to appreciate the radical simplicity of his paintings; which absorbs the very definition of verisimilitude. A visual feast of color, his paintings can address concepts that are intangible and theoretical, existing in the realms of mind and spirit, rather than in outer reality. With his new works Kumar continues to inspire the viewers' curiosity about the reaches of their imagination.
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Honours And Awards : - Award For Land-Scape-1994 (Art Society Of India ) Award For Composition-1994 (State Art Award) Award For Composition-1994 (J.J.Teachers Award)